Its Giving Eclipse: How Will the 2024 Eclipse Impact Your Zodiac Sign?


Happy Monday aka Moon Day as well as Solar Eclipse!

I want to leave this disclaimer for everyone interested in the solar eclipse especially to go watch it. It's considered bad luck to watch the solar eclipse people are recommending y'all to stay at home and just watch it there. But if you cannot because you have to work just be mindful of looking to the sky while driving to work or leaving work. 

This solar eclipse is very important because we have a new moon in Aries making conjunction with the solar eclipse. This ain't the time to manifest especially since we have Mercury retrograde going on right now. This is a perfect time to reflect on your life and do heavy shadow work during this time. We currently have six planets in Aries right at this moment this will affect cardinal placements ( Aries and Cancer, Libra, Capricorn) this also goes for the personal planets in your birth chart as well as your ascendant (rising).

The reason why I'm mentioning those signs is that Aries either squares Cancer and Capricorn as well as opposite Libra. It will have a big effect on them during this time. My question is to y'all what's holding you back from being your true authentic self ? And why do you care about what other people think of you when you stand some toes down for yourself?

Pluto in Aquarius also shakes things up as well when it comes to showing up for yourself and the community. All of this Aries energy requires boldness and being authentic in your spiritual journey whether you believe in God or the most high. When you have Aquarius and Aries together in your birth chart this will highlight an area of you showing out for yourself and your passions unapologetically.

If you have an Aries rising in your birth chart in the 1st house (self) and aspect your personal planets. This is the moment to put yourself first and learn how to be bold within yourself so that you can be free in a way that you don't have to question your own abilities.

If you have a Taurus rising in your birth chart in the 12th house (oneness) in Aries. This is the moment to be working on your spiritual practice and your belief systems. You're connected to the source you are going to be ok just add meditation as well as yoga or walking to ground yourself.

If you have a Gemini rising in your birth chart in the 11th house ( community and friends) in Aries. This solar eclipse is going to affect the way you think about community as well as friends and how you would love to show up in the most authentic way that you can be.

If you have an Cancer rising in your birth chart in the 10th house (careers) in Aries. This is the moment to reflect on what you want to do in your life that brings you joy and happiness within. 

If you have Leo rising in your birth chart in the 9th house (spirituality) in Aries. This solar eclipse and new moon in Aries in your 9th house is requiring you to take a moment to do shadow work. To choose a path that is most authentic to you because it's time to break those self-limiting belief systems that you subconsciously adopted during your childhood.

If you have a Virgo rising in your birth chart in the 8th house (transformation) in Aries. This solar eclipse is going to be very transformational to you during this time. Changes are good for growth if you have been stagnant for too long. It's time to take back your power within yourself and know that you matter. 

If you have a Libra rising in your birth chart in the 7th house (relationships) in Aries. This solar eclipse is going to affect how you view relationships as a whole. This is the perfect time to insert boundaries not just for others but for yourself and be authentic to yourself.

It's exploring different types of relationships in your life whether that's platonic or romantic or business.

If you have a Scorpio rising in your birth chart in the 6th house ( daily routine and work) in Aries. This solar eclipse It's going to affect your daily routine as well as your work. You need changes daily. It's okay to change it up a bit especially with your line of work. What do you love to do? What is your dream?

If you have a Sagittarius rising in your birth chart in the 5th house (creativity) in Aries.

This solar eclipse is asking you to tap into your inner child more during this time and stop holding back on your creative juice. It doesn't matter if it's imperfect it's still art no matter what. You just got to believe in yourself a lot more during this time as well.

If you have a Capricorn rising in your birth chart in the 4th house (childhood and family) in Aries.This solar eclipse is going to highlight the changes that's going to happen within the family dynamic. Something's going to be said as well as boundaries being set. This is very important to be mindful of the changes in your environment, especially with moving and buying things during this time too.

If you have an Aquarius rising in your birth chart in your 3rd house (communication) in Aries. This solar eclipse is going to be highlighting moments where boundaries will have to be set. It's time to stick up for ourselves and to be bold by standing ten toes down for what's right for us. Especially since Pluto in Aquarius is here to challenge us to be leaders and showing up for not only us but others as well. 

If you have a Pisces rising in your birth chart in your 2nd house (work ethic and talents) in Aries. This solar eclipse will be in your second house, requiring you to tap into your talents more. This is the time to discover the gifts as well as the talents that you are blessed with and honing with your self-discipline and your work ethic at this time.

To book a personal reading with me, my snipfeed link is in my bio on my Instagram page.


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