Prominent Black Family from West Michigan Faces Racially Motivated Violence At The Hands Of Their Neighbor and Deputies of the Kent County Sheriff
A prominent Black family from West Michigan finds themselves in the midst of a legal battle after a confrontation with their white neighbor escalated to a series of false accusations and wrongful arrests. Suriya Davenport and his two sons SuSu and Majer, faced a traumatic ordeal of being arrested on felony trespassing charges all while standing on their own property.
It all started on Sunday, March 10th, 2024, when Suriya Davenport confronted his neighbor, who was allegedly causing damage to his property's driveway with a tractor that he borrowed from another neighbor. Part of the confrontation was captured on a video that was shared via facebook. The video vividly depicts the neighbor using an orange tractor to dig up the Davenports’ driveway. As Suriya demands that the neighbor gets off of his property, the situation took a turn when the neighbor reportedly ran over Suriya's foot.
Despite the video ending shortly after Mr. Davenport’s foot was run over, Suriya took to his facebook page of 5.2 thousand followers “Su Dav” to add more contexts to the events that took place prior to to the recording of the video alleging that before the neighbor arrived on to the Davenports property, he (the neighbor) called 911 at 1:26PM, and during that phone call the neighbor was advised by dispatch to not go on the Davenport’s property until law enforcement arrived. However he ignored that advice and went to the davenports property at 1:34.
As the Davenport family continues to navigate this challenging situation, their story further proves the importance of taking a stand against systemic oppression and continuing to address the rampant white supremacy within the policing and judicial system. I urge everyone reading this to remind themselves of the reality of being Black in the United States. The system was not created for us but instead created to continue to oppress us. Justice for the Davenports!
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