Community Members Gather for Candlelight Vigil on Two Year Anniversary of Patrick Lyoya Killing
Author: Aly Bates/ Aly Thee Activist
Last night, on what marked the two year anniversary of Patrick Lyoya’s tragic murder, a group of around 30 community members gathered in front of the 61st district courthouse for a candlelight vigil to honor a life taken far too soon. On April 4th, 2022 Patrick Lyoya, who was just 26 years old at the time, was fatally shot by former Grand Rapids Police officer Christopher Schurr, sparking outrage from the community and calls for accountability that are echoed to this day.
The event was organized by the local organization Comrades Collective, with the location specifically selected as a form of protest against prolonged court proceedings in the case of the State of Michigan Vs Christopher Paul Schurr where the former officer is currently facing a second degree murder charge. Despite the cold and rainy weather conditions making it difficult to keep candles lit, the passion of the attendees burned brighter than any flame.
Throughout the vigil there were many calls for accountability with Patrick’s family in attendance sharing the community’s frustration over the delay in justice. Thomas Lyoya, Patrick’s brother translating for his father Peter Lyoya, expressed disappointment that another year has passed without any resolution and shared his hopes that it doesn't take another two years for justice to be served.
The vigil lasted about an hour and a half concluding around around 8:00 PM but organizers made it clear that the fight for justice is far from over with a march scheduled to take place on Saturday, April 6th, from 2:00 PM to 3:00 PM at the Fish Ladder Park located at 606 Front Ave NW, Grand Rapids, MI 49504.
The candlelight vigil served not only as a somber tribute to a life stolen by police violence, but a reminder that his memory will not fade into the darkness of injustice.
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